Monday, September 28, 2009

Wrapping Up The Not Nearly Complete Short Stories of Franz Kafka

Well, The Not Nearly Complete Short Stories of Franz Kafka is over, and we're taking a breath between shows to take a look at what we're going to do with our lives. Thank you to anyone who came, and we hope you'll continue to follow us and support us.

This blog is not going to be a news ticker (although we do intend to post our news here as well). This blog is a space for members of the company to talk about the work we do in a more long-form setting. Hopefully not in a pretentious way, but in a way that hopefully will bring us into conversation with our fans and colleagues about how we make work.

Before I get into that, I would like to state that we've got some projects up-coming, that you should follow further either on Facebook, Twitter, or our Website:

1) Our sub-program, IndyMill Publishing Company (FB, Twitter, Web), is hard at work designing for publication the print edition of The Not Nearly Complete Short Stories of Franz Kafka. For those of you who missed the show, or for those of you who would like to take a second look at it, it's a good way to dive back into a show you've seen. There will also be footnotes from the director, in much the same way that DVDs have DVD commentary.

2) We're in the early planning stages of a big fundraiser blowout to raise some seed money for the company. Updates pending!

3) Company member Ines Garcia is beginning work on a pair of dance pieces scheduled to go up in November. We'll fill you in as that process unfolds as well.

Other than that, thanks for tuning in, and we hope to see you around a lot more in the future!


Guy Yedwab
Artistic Director

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